Category Archives: Nutrition

Part 2. Less is More. The Powerful Impact of Positive Change.

Ah the power of clarity. The first step in making a change with your nutrition is getting honest with yourself and nothing is more powerful than the mighty food log. I hope the previous 5 days brought you a new level of consciousness about what you put in your mouth, when you eat and what you do eat.

So now that you have some clarity we need to create a real understanding of what to do next. Knowledge is power but only if you have the wisdom to know how to implement it.

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Part 1. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

“Too much worry is put on what we eat between Christmas and the New Year; what matters most is what we eat between the New Year and Christmas”

The holidays can feel like a month long bender of food and alcohol with willpower and self control a distant memory. January rolls around and along with it comes the mindset of dialing things back and regaining control (insert deprivation). No sugar, no wheat, no carbs, no fat, no protein, vegetarian only, juicing only, no eating between 3 to 5, intermittent fasting, caveman style, Atkins regime, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Dr. Berstein, 30 day challenges, Body by Vi, run more, spin more, eat less move more… aaaargh, the list of January “lose weight quick” strategies are abundant. 

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